New changes will begin being implemented this evening and hopefully be fully rolled out by 1 Feb 25.
Items implemented since post was made:
Based on strong demand the first thing to get implemented was a search function on the website and phone app. It is now live on both after pushing a new update on 28 Jan 25 and appears to be workings. Please provide feedback with any issues found with the new search function. In the mean time we will continue to work on the other items mentioned above.
Update to reacting to posts. You can now heart, like, wow face, crying face, laughing face and a very face react to a post.
Over 5,000 posts that were over a year old have been removed from the gun sale, ammunition sale, NFA sale, bartering section.
Items actively being worked:
New account permission will be given to active and trusted members who will be able to report posts/account directly to me and remove posts that do not comply with forum rules. (Let me know below if you’re interested a additional post will be made seeking people to apply).
Item still to come since post was made:
People who fail to follow forum rules after three times will be muted for three days. After a fourth time they will be muted for five days. On the fifth offense they will have their account terminated.
Anyone who is reported (with proof) of selling firearms and circumventing background checks will be banned. The site is suppose to be a usefully tool for the community to use let’s not have it taken away but just a few people.
A section will be re created for (vetted businesses). If you are a FFL instead of posting a million guns with all the dates stick notes for sale simple get in contact with me and provide a copy of your ID and FFL paperwork and a thread will be added for your business there.
What is everyone’s thoughts on the above? Does anyone have anything additional they would like to add?
These all look great, what about local firearm accessory makers?